
Mount and blade bannerlord factions
Mount and blade bannerlord factions

mount and blade bannerlord factions

A successful Khuzait commander will balance skirmishing with deadly and precise charges and use their speed and mobility to control the terms of engagement. Similarly, committing your lancers to a misdirected charge into spear or pike, or otherwise allowing them to be caught at slow speeds or a standstill, will see them lose their horses and soon after their lives. Allowing your horse archers to maneuver too closely to enemy missile troops will see them lose their lives or mounts – much the same thing to an army that relies so heavily on speed and momentum.


Khuzait armies are simple in that their composition is straightforward – they consist of scores or hundreds of mounted archers and lancers – but they are challenging in that commanding these armies requires knowing when to close engagement and when to skirmish, and how to successfully transition between the two and back again. Khuzait nobles serve as horse archers but are also accomplished warriors with a variety of lances and two-handed polearms. The nearby Karakhuzait minor faction offers horse archer alternatives, though these are not dissimilar from Khuzait regulars. Khuzait hordes then fight by constantly harassing their frequently pedestrian enemies with missiles from horseback, weakening, breaking up, demoralizing and injuring their enemies before hitting them hard with their lanced cavalry. Recruited nomads may be promoted to mounted tribal warriors bearing bows directly and from there specialize into increasingly armoured horse archers or lancers. The most efficient Khuzait army fights exclusively on horseback maximising the advantages leveraged from their enormous mobility. The fact that maximally promoted foot archers and spearmen are so heavily armoured should convince you that they are not intended as a component of the mounted horde, with which they will be unable to keep pace, but rather as defensive garrisons. The three tiers of archers and shielded spears correspond to light, medium and heavy armoured versions of these troop types. The former exist mainly as an option for garrison purposes defending cities and castles or for new warlords struggling to accumulate sufficient horses to sustain their army, while the latter constitute the ideal Khuzait army.īeginning with the out of place – recruited nomads may be promoted to footmen who then specialize into either archers or spearmen and progress through the tiers gaining skills, heavier armour and efficiency as they level up. Their armies consist essentially exclusively of shielded spearmen and archers on foot, and mounted lancers and archers. Indeed the Khuzait way of war is focused on extreme mobility and constant aggression. While their recruits begin on foot, they are just one promotion away from being given a mount and bow. They are without doubt the most cavalry-focused faction in Bannerlord. The Khuzait ( music ) stem from the steppes of the East known as the Great Grass Sea.

mount and blade bannerlord factions

In this second concluding part we look at the remaining three factions the Khuzait, Sturgians and Vlandians. Rather than simply listing bonuses and unit stats, this guide aims to provide a feel for each faction by summarizing their rosters and describing the overall spirit of their armies. In the first part of this guide we looked at the Aserai, Battanian and Imperial factions.

Mount and blade bannerlord factions